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Betulkah Imam Mahdi Sudah Lahir dan Kini Telah Berusia 38 Tahun?

Betulkah Imam Mahdi Sudah Lahir dan Kini Telah Berusia 38 Tahun? Hari kiamat merupakan hari kebangkitan seluruh umat manusia dari Nabi Adam sampai manusia terakhir. Kapan datangnya kiamat itu, hanya Allah SWT saja yang mengetahuinya, akan tetapi Rasulullah telah memberikan cici-ciri dan tanda-tanda jika kiamat itu akan tiba. Sweet-potato-rolls-recipe. Diantara tanda-tanda datangnya hari kiamat itu sudah dijelaskan dalam beberapa hadits yang sohih, dan salah satunya adalah munculnya Imam Mahdi. Tanda-tanda tentang kelahiran dan kemuculan Imam Mahdi ini terdapat dalam beberapa hadits. Ummu Salamah ra, berkata: Adalah Nabi SAW, bersabda: “Imam Mahdi itu dari keluargaku dari keturunan anak Fatimah” (Sunan Abu Dawud Kitab Al-Fitan wal-Malahim. Bab Dzikru al-Mahdi, Ibn Majah, Al Hakim dan At Thabra) Abu Sai’id al-Khudriy ra, berkata: Adalah Nabi SAW, bersabda: ”Imam Mahdi dari keluargaku, lebar dahinya, mancung hidung-nya, pada masanya dunia penuh keadilan dan kedamaian serta...

Are Your Prepared For The Arrival of Imam Mahdi

Are Your Prepared For The Arrival of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi likewise knows as the "Directed One" will precede the day of atonement. It is expressed that Imam Mahdi will accompany Prophet Isa (AS) to overcome Dajjal (The False Messiah). Are you arranged for his appearance as many signs have worked out as expected!

The Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) forecasted that few occasions will occur preceding the day of Judgment. The minor occasions have passed however the significant ones are on the way, among, the appearance of Imam Mahdi. He will come during when Muslims will be persecuted, face preliminaries and debacles wherever on the planet. He will come to battle those oppressors, join the Muslims as one to ultimately bring harmony and equity.Cabbagge-rolls-recipe.

The main way that we will actually want to reproduce an assembled Ummah is we want to check out our past, what our saints did. Our Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) currently informed us regarding the days we are living in at this point: happy greetings and admonitions that hardships will occur. All couriers of Allah, from Adam (A.S) to Muhammad (p.b.u.h) cautioned the appearance of Al-Dajjal, a liar and backstabber. Al-Dajjal, a youthful Jew, will broadcast himself as the savior and will do marvels, however all that he will truly do will be bogus just to deceive everyone.Key-lime-pie.

Then, at that point, an Imam will ascend from the Ummah under the name of Al-Mahdi and afterward Isa (A.S) will return. However, as Muslims, we should be ready for their appearance and that won't be a simple undertaking despite the fact that we as a whole have the aim and heart to get it done. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) advised us to enlist in the multitude of Imam Mahdi, regardless of the expense to overcome the liar. To be a warrior and ready for the future one must be true, hold quick the book of Allah and have worry for the Ummah. The person who will be recognized as the legend will be the person who will be true, not the person who sold his deen for joining transient common arrangements. Cool.Best-easy-italian-pasta-salad.

Are Your Prepared For The Arrival of Imam Mahdi VIDEO


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